Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Real...Osyris Uqoezwa

NeoSemantic News: Person of the Week, 1.26.07

"I want to take a moment to share with you a simple yet powerful message… one of my favorite stories about a young boy…

A bored young boy approached his father complaining, “Dad, there’s nothing for me to do.” As the father read the newspaper, he thought of a challenging task that might keep his son busy. “Here, son, I’ve torn up this map of the world that was in today’s paper. Why don’t you take some tape and put it back together?” Thinking this would keep his son occupied for a while, the father returned to his paper. He was surprised when his son returned quite quickly with his project completed. “How did you do this so fast?” the father asked. “Simple”, the boy replied. “There was a picture of a man on the back of the picture of the world. I just taped together the picture of the man, and when I got the man right, I got the world right..."

More details at

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